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How To Set Your Fitness Goals (4 of 6)

Ever set out to ‘get in shape’ or ‘get fit’, but never got there? You’ll probably see better results if you work on your goal(s) before you work out.

There is an acronym in the fitness community that is used for goal setting. A good fitness professional will tell you to set S.M.A.R.T. goals.
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.  Go one step beyond and set S.M.A.R.T.-R. goals.
The ‘R’ stands for reward. Reward yourself after each goal achieved.

Here is goal #4, Relevant Goals:

#4. Relevant
Make your goals relevant to you. After all, you are setting them, you are doing them and you will be achieving them. A popular goal is to lose weight. If you don’t feel like you that is a goal for you, then make your own original goal. The closer your goal is to your idea of happiness, the likelier you are to achieve it.

Check back next week for #5: Time Sensitive Goals.

As always, check out for free online exercise and workout videos.

How to Set Your Fitness Goals (3 of 6)


Ever set out to ‘get in shape’ or ‘get fit’, but never got there? You’ll probably see better results if you work on your goal(s) before you work out.

There is an acronym in the fitness community that is used for goal setting. A good fitness professional will tell you to set S.M.A.R.T. goals. Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Go one step beyond and set S.M.A.R.T.-R. goals.
The ‘R’ stands for reward. Reward yourself after each goal achieved.

Here is goal #3,  Attainable Goals:

#3. Attainable
Your fitness goal should be a goal that you can accomplish! If you have never ran before in your life, a goal of winning the NYC Marathon is not your best choice. A goal of running 5 times per week or completing a 10k is attainable, without being too easy.

This is not designed to discourage you. If you set goals that are unattainable, you might get disheartened if you do not reach them and may give up on your new fitness goals completely.

Check back next week for #4: Relevant Goals.

As always, check out for free online exercise and workout videos.

How to Set Fitness Goals (2 of 6)

Ever set out to ‘get in shape’ or ‘get fit’, but never got there? You’ll probably see better results if you work on your goal(s) before you work out.

There is an acronym in the fitness community that is used for goal setting. A good fitness professional will tell you to set  S.M.A.R.T. goals. Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.  Go one step beyond and set  S.M.A.R.T.-R. goals.
The ‘R’ stands for reward. Reward yourself after each goal achieved.

  Here is goal #2, Measureable Goals: 

  #2. Measureable 

Measurebale. Your goals must be measureable for two reasons.
1. So there will be no doubt in your mind that you have achieved your goal. 
2. So you can measure your progress after attaining your goal!
‘I will lower my body fat percentage from 20% to 15%.’ is a measurable resolution.

  Check back next week for #3: Attainable Goals. 

As always, check out iBodyFit for free online exercise and workout videos.

How to Set Fitness Goals (1 of 6)

Ever set out to ‘get in shape’ or ‘get fit’, but never got there? You’ll probably see better results if you work on your goal(s) before you work out.

There is an acronym in the fitness community that is used for goal setting. A good fitness professional will tell you to set S.M.A.R.T. goals. Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.  Go one step beyond and set  S.M.A.R.T.-R. goals.
The ‘R’ stands for reward. Reward yourself after each goal achieved.

 #1. Specific

Specific. Be sure you set a specific goal. ‘I want to lose weight’, is not a specific goal. ‘I will lose ten pounds.’ is a specific goal. ‘I would like to run more this year’, is also not a specific goal. ‘I will run for 10 minutes straight’ e is a specific goal.

Check back next week for #2: Measureable Goals.

As always, check out for free online exercise and workout videos.